200 Profitable Agribusiness ideas in Kenya

Are you interested in starting a Profitable Farming Business? If YES, this eBook will guide you in identifying profitable farming business you can start in Kenya. Agriculture in Kenya or rather agribusiness is the new business in town and everyone wants a piece of the cake. You have all seen and heard the numerous success […]

7 tips for writting Business Goals

Get the 7 goal setting tips for writing a business goals and business plan. These all tips will help you for making your business goals more realistic and achievable. So, watch this full video and do not forget to like share and subscribe young entrepreneurs forum channel to get future videos. Click to watch the […]

How To Sell Yourself by Arch Lustberg

COMMUNICATION IS THE transfer of information from one mind to another mind, or to a group of other minds. It can be in the form of an idea, a fact, an image, an emotion, or a story. It can bewritten, spoken, drawn, danced, sung, or mimed. Whatever the medium, if the message doesn’t reach the […]

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits: An easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones On the final day of my sophomore year of high school, I was hit in the face with a baseball bat. As my classmate took a full swing, the bat slipped out of his hands and came flying toward me […]

The MIllionaire Mind by Thoman J Stanley

THEY LIVE IN LOVELY HOMES LOCATED IN FINE neighborhoods. Balance is their approach to life. They are financially independent, yet they enjoy life—they are not “all work, no play” type of people. Most becamemillionaires in one generation. Neither their lifestyle nor their wealth was generated from being highly leveraged financially. They are not credit junkies. […]
